Kamsai's Voice: Supplementary and Artificial

The emerging pattern throughout the research on magazine advertisements is the use of love to sell products, which mainly are supplementary food and medicine. According to the research, many advertisements persuade people to buy their products by using family, such as a mother buying vitamins to be healthy in order to take care of her daughter. So a person needs to consume so many unnecessary products to have a happy and good life. Instead of doing exercise, people rely on these extra helpers to keep themselves healthy. From the site analysis at Paragon Department Store, the research on plan, elevation, and circulation helps explain the relationship between furniture and customers. For example, the kid’s products area uses furniture below eye level of an adult, so it will be suitable for the kids to view the products. Moreover, people tend to find the shortest way to walk through a space, such as by walking through the shelves instead of taking the main pathway to the escalator. The plan of some parts in Paragon is integrated in the final product as a base to build boxes with elevation of the furniture in the department store. The boxes are filled with various kinds of medicines and supplementary food. It shows how people rely too much on these medicine to make themselves happy and healthy which is considered as a shortcut. 

The distorted Neufert is about how people misused furniture in everyday life. People tend to find the easiest way to solve a problem. They grab the most convenient items around them to make themselves more comfortable and use them in a different way. Most of the time, misused furniture enhances comfort of users. There are many positions that a user can use the furniture, each one has its main purpose. Many kinds of furniture, however, are often misused to do other tasks that were not originally designed for. For example, reaching for things by stepping on a drawer, using a computer on the bed, laying down in a relaxed position by using table to rest feet, or placing objects on unused furniture such as towel on a wheel chair.

    This is related to the previous project in a way that people misused supplementary products the same way they misused furniture. People refuse to consume healthy food, but they decide to take vitamins to get all the nutrients, which is an alternative way to stay healthy. The same idea applies when people are too lazy to find a leg rest, and they decide to use the table instead. It is the easiest way out to make them comfortable, while sometimes it is not the most preferred solution.