Credit's Voice : Nostalgia

Based on the research of advertisement in magazines and local consumers location, my first project is mainly about learning how products are being sold these days. Most of advertisement of products sell their products through consumers memories. They're trying to use feeling of happiness that consumers got back in the old times, so producers are trying to sell their product not directly by telling consumers what's good about their product but they intentionally got to consumers by pure nostalgia. So my photomontage express how consumers nowadays want to buy product not just because of their technology or geniuses but also they purchase product because of nostalgia where it brings back their memories. 

My photomontage consists of 4 different parts So in this photomontage each living room shows a lifestyle in each time and to make it clearer i arrage it from very sharp and high defenition picture (Futuristic living room with nobody) to 3d pixel art which is a living room of today where we normally sits alone and play games or watch television. Then to the next room every furniture in the room are attatch to the wall and even more pixelated. I tried to make it look like an 8bit game to make it feels like we're really going back through time, and in this room there are more people talking to each and if you look closely to the furniture on the walls you can see that there are no electronics device at all, and the last living room is really the beginning of human being, so i use caveman walking around campfire with no walls around them. I wanted to make a difference from the last 8bit living room so i decide to put caveman and campfire flat to the ground like hyrogrifics in the past.

So in Neufert distortion project i tried to relate the subject of using living room as main attraction and place for interactions of people in home, so in page one i use old thai style home as a starting point of going through timeline. So each living room from each time have different purpose and also different arrangement of furniture and the spaces. In page one I tried to make relations between how different living rooms bring back users good memories. From this i then also include page two which consists of different living rooms from different time and in different region to make comparison of how each one creates different effects to people and changes how people interact with each other